Sprouting Eco-Awareness: How Kiddie Academy Celebrated Earth Day

At Kiddie Academy, we believe that every day is an opportunity to learn and grow – and that includes nurturing a love for our planet! Earth Day provided the perfect springboard for Academies across the country to get creative and celebrate our shared responsibility to protect the environment.

Why is Earth Day important for young children?

  • Sparking Curiosity and Connection: Earth Day activities spark curiosity about nature and the importance of protecting it. Children who connect with the natural world are more likely to care for it.
  • Empowering Action: Even small actions can make a difference! Teaching children simple ways to be eco-friendly empowers them to feel like they can contribute.
  • Fostering a Connection with Nature: By nurturing a love for the outdoors early on, we can inspire a lifelong appreciation for the environment, encouraging children to become stewards of the planet.

Talking Eco with Your Little One: Tips for Parents

  • Keep It Age-Appropriate: Focus on concepts your child can understand. For younger children, this might mean discussing the importance of putting trash in the bin or watering plants.
  • Make It Fun: Engage your child with Earth Day activities like planting seeds (with adult supervision), creating nature art, or reading books about the environment.
  • Lead by Example: Reduce, reuse, and recycle at home. Let your child see you making conscious choices for the environment.

Sprouting Green Initiatives Across the Country

  • At Kiddie Academy of Marlton (NJ), classrooms created seed pouches using papier-mâché that will be planted in the Academy’s school planter, while older children walked the perimeter of the building safely picking up any trash with educator guidance.
  • Kiddie Academy of Darien (IL) organized an Academy clean-up day, with older children accompanying educators as they showcased how to keep our communities clean.
  • Educators at Kiddie Academy of Cranberry Township (PA) used Earth Day as an opportunity to start growing nontoxic herbs and flowers in their classrooms. Students helped plant seeds and observed the life cycle of their very own plants before getting to take them home!
  • Kiddie Academy of Edmond (OK) is celebrating Earth Day by building their very own greenhouse, complete with a student-supported garden. Children also observed fish in a koi pond and learned about life cycles.

We’d also like to congratulate Kiddie Academy of Seattle at Queen Anne (WA) for winning Kiddie Academy’s national Earth Day art contest! Riffing on the theme “Wonders of Our World,” the entire Academy collaborated to develop a multifaceted art installation paying homage to the Puget Sound, one of Washington’s natural wonders. Children used recycled materials to construct a diverse look at the Puget Sound’s ecosystem including a whale, sea otter, and lots of crabs. The Academy chose Ocean Conservancy as the beneficiary of their prize, a $1,000 charitable donation.

Earth Day may be just one day, but at Kiddie Academy, we’re committed to fostering a love for learning and environmental responsibility all year round. We hope these ideas inspire you to celebrate Earth Day with your own little ones – after all, it’s never too early to start building a greener future!